Those who study the works of God are truly the happiest people on earth. The Bible gives three outstanding promises to these people. #alittlerandr #promises #Bible #psalms

3 Promises for Those Who Study the Works of God

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Have you ever studied the works of God?

I realize that most of us know most, if not all, of the Bible stories. We learned them in Sunday School and read them to our kids.

But there is a huge difference between knowing Bible stories and studying God’s works.

Those who study the works of God are truly the happiest people on earth. The Bible gives three outstanding promises to these people. #alittlerandr #promises #Bible #psalms

One of my greatest concerns as a mom of school-aged kids is that my children don’t just growing up knowing Bible stories.

A lot of kids today have an intellectual understanding of God.

They can recite Bible stories and Bible verses, but have never had a genuine experience with Jesus Christ.

When we are passionate about something, we study it. We learn everything we can about it. We surround ourselves with it.

Or as my kids like to say these days, “We’re obsessed with it”.

Are you “obsessed” with the works of God? Are they what you think about day and night?

3 Promises for Those Who Study the Works of God

In Psalm 111:2 we read this very interesting verse.

“The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them.”

This verse stood out to me, because of the word “study”.

In looking up the Hebrew meaning of this word, I saw that it means to investigate.

And I like that word, because an investigator doesn’t just sit and observe something.

He doesn’t take a case and just read newspaper headlines, and draw a conclusion.

But so much of our Bible study is like that. Isn’t it?

We skim the words on the page, we close the Bible, tick off “quiet time” on our to-do list for the day with a certain sense of satisfaction that we fulfilled our Christian duty for the day.

We get up and walk away.

But has the Word really changed us?

An investigator latches on to a case and obsessively studies it, digs it out, learns all he can about it, until he has milked every bit of information he can about that case and knows it as intimately as he knows his own name.

This, my sister, is how we are to study the works of God.

But the word “studied” also means more than investigating.

It also means: practice, follow, to seek with application.

Those who study the works of God don’t just know them intimately, they practice them.

They follow them.

They apply them to their lives – these works become the core of who they are and what they do.

1. Those who study the works of God are blessed.

“Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” Psalm 112:1-2

In the verse just before this one, Psalm 11:10, it says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments.”

Several other verses in the Bible say similar things: wisdom begins with fearing the Lord, and we have good understanding when we intimately know the Word and the ways of God.

When we fear the Lord, when we have intimate knowledge of the ways of God, we will be blessed.

Also, our children and our generations will be blessed!

This is an incredible promise!

It reminds me of the promise in Exodus 20:5-6.

“…you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (emphasis mine)

Do you see that?

Judgement is extends through the bloodline three to four generations, but righteousness extends to thousands of generations!

2. Those who study the works of God will have wealth and riches

Wealth and riches will be in his house, and his righteousness endures forever. Psalm 112:3

I want to start by saying that this isn’t just referring to monetary or materialistic wealth and riches.

I know there are those in Christianity who teach this, but that is imbalanced.

Look at Job or Paul.

Both had periods in their life when they were wealthy and when they were destitute.

And both were godly men, blessed greatly by God.

I think the key part of the verse is, “…his righteousness endures forever.”

Jesus said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-20

In other words, the wealth and riches here are heavenly wealth and riches.

How wealthy are you spiritually? If you want to store up heavenly wealth, begin studying the works of God.

You will have wealth beyond your imagination in wisdom and understanding; and in the ability to give godly counsel to those in your life.

3. Those who study the works of God have no fear

What would it be like to live without any fear or anxiety?

What would it be like to go through financial reversal, serious health diagnoses, and family crises without any fear or anxiety?

One would think one of two things: either you are super-human or you are phlegmatic to the point of not caring.

But neither of those is necessarily true.

We can have the peace of Christ ruling our hearts to such a degree that we can face the most dire of circumstances with a peace that literally confounds all comprehension.

This is what the Psalmist said in Psalm 112:6-8.

“Surely he will never be shaken…He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established; he will not be afraid…”

I think it is very telling that he said the same thing 6 different ways:

  • He isn’t shaken
  • He isn’t afraid of bad news
  • His heart is steadfast (firm, stable, prepared, ready)
  • He trusts in God
  • His heart is established (to lean on, to rest)
  • He isn’t afraid

The writer here is saying over and over again that the one who studies the works of God is stable, unshakable, fearless, prepared, ready, at rest, and trusts in God.

That’s a strong person!

And you can be that person when you make it your life’s mission to study and become intimately acquainted with the works of God.

Though I walk through the flood and fire, my faith will not be shaken, because my heart is stable and firm on the Rock of Ages!

This post is part of the Blogging Through the Bible series with Good Morning Girls

3 Characteristics of a Person of Integrity

How to Keep a Steady Heart in Times of Crisis

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